
Monday, June 24, 2019

Coraline: SEXXXY - The lawyer

-Other world
-Other wybie
-Can't talk
-Mother & Coraline went into the house to see the mouse circus
-POV - other mother wants him to smile
-Wybie is unhappy

-Warm light
-High angle, makes the subject vulnerable (Wybie) & the POV dominant (other mother)
-Dark colours but bright because Coraline doesn't know this yet.
-Facial expression, -sad, because his mouth has gone down and his eyebrows are arched in fear.

In the film Coraline high angle shots are used effectively to establish a characters position of power. This is demonstrated in the scene where Coraline and Wybie return from visiting their neighbours. A high angle shot from the POV of the other mother looking down the stairs towards Wybie makes him look vulnerable. This makes us understand that the other mother has all the power and might not be as kind as Coraline thinks at this point. The purpose of this is to show a character who is unhappy in the 'other' world and foreshadow the horrific turn of events later in the story. Combined with the use of facial expressions, Wybies mouth is frowning and his eyebrows are arched in fear, the idea of being vulnerable is enhanced. This aspepct can be compared to Coralines battle with the other mother at the end of the film where we see the true evil nature of the Beldam.

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