
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Calculate squares on a grid

In Maths I learnt how to calculate the squares on a grid in different ways, there are 6 methods on how to calculate the outside squares on a grid and I will be showing you 2 of them. I learnt that the letters in maths are numbers and they are called algebra.

This is what I did to work out how many outside squares there are on a 10 by 10 grid using the first method:
I knew that there were ten squares on each four sides so all I had to do was simply add the tens on each sides all together then take away the 4 since the corners has doubled squares.

2nd method:
There are 10 squares on one side and I can't do tens again because it will double the squares on the corners so I will just add 2 nines on each sides. And then I will add ten on the last side, I will take away two because there are doubled squares on the corners so it will be '10+9+9+8=36' which is n+(n-1)+(n-1)+(n-2) = 36 in mathematical


  1. This is a really good start Brielle. I think you could improve your blog by shwing how you get to the algebraic formula and showing how this works by doing a check( for example how to calculate the number of squares ona 20 by 20 grid)

  2. Hi Brielle, first thing Good job Brielle! this is some good way to explain it and i really like it.

  3. Hello Brielle. I like how simple it is. I can't find anything bad to write.
    Keep it up


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