
Friday, December 4, 2020

Music Reflection

What have you enjoyed about music this year?
- I think I enjoyed pretty much everything we did this year in music

What has been your favorite task and why?
- My favorite task was when we had to make music without using any instruments

Did you complete a class performance? How was it? Why not?
- Yes, I completed 2 class performances,, it was fun

Is there anything you did not have the opportunity to do/learn?
- No 

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Bush fire

How do bush fires start and how has climate change made them more common?

- Bushfires tend to occur when light and heavy fuel loads in Eucalypt forests have dried out, usually following periods of low rainfall

What are 3 ways you could fireproof your house if you lived in an area likely to get bush fires?

- Brick, stainless steel, and pink bats

When something burns it combusts, what is the difference between complete and incomplete combustion?

- When a fuel undergoes complete combustion, it releases the maximum amount of energy from the fuel being reacted. Incomplete combustion is also a reaction between oxygen and fuel but the products are carbon monoxide, water, and carbon