
Monday, August 31, 2020

Wind Racers

1. Post a photo of your racer

2. Calculate the speed of your racer (race distance = 9m). Show your work.

V = ∆d/∆t

V = 9m/15.79s

V = 0.57 ms- 1

3. Why did you choose your design? How could you have changed the design to make your racer go faster?

We didn't really choose our design because there wasn't enough time for us to think of a better design. It wasn't that bad but it definitely needed help

Friday, August 21, 2020


1. Aim - Our aim was to build something that is strong enough to keep the egg from breaking when is dropped 

2. Method - 

3. Results - The egg did not break it was completely unharmed

4. calculate the weight using F=ma:
b. 33.85g