
Friday, June 19, 2020

Refugee Assesment

In Social Studies, we have been given a task to do and it was to find out about refugees in other countries.

What you have been learning about?
- We have been learning about refugees and what they face in their migration

What you found interesting?
- That there are a lot of Afghanistan refugees in New Zealand

My first solo performace

What Instrument are you playing and why?
- Piano, because I like it better than the other instruments and it is the first instrument that I liked

Which song have you chosen to perform why?
- I will be performing Memories by Maroon 5 because It is easier than the other songs I would like to play

What type of assessment are you doing and why?
- Option 2, maybe because I am not confident enough

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Science - Crystals and Acid Rain

Part 1: Crystals
  • How did we make our crystals? (In steps)
  • Take a photo
  • What Salt are the crystals?
Part 2: Acid Rain
  • Hos is acid rain formed?
  • How is it affecting coral reefs?
  • How can we prevent it?

Part 1 Answers: Crystals
1. - We heated the sulfuric acid and we dissolve and the copper oxide then the solution turned blue.
- We filtered the blue solution
- We put it in an evaporating basin
- We put the water in the beaker and let it boil

Part 2 Answers: Acid Rain
1. When fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas are burned, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide escape into the air. These molecules dissolve in the water in the clouds and make the rainwater more acidic than normal. When this happens. it is called acid rain

2. The clams and the other sea creatures become weaker and the bigger fishes won't have anything to eat

3. produce energy without using fossil fuels

English - Film Techniques

Who was in your group?
- Georgie
- Andre
- Brielle

What did you learn?
- To analyse

What could you do better next time?

Fill in the chart for your aspect:

Explanation of Director’s purpose
Explanation of effect on audience
Your link (to wider world, rest of film, self)
This close up was used very well in indication of the amount of hatred from guards to prisoners. 
The scene shows the guard aggressively holding geel piets throat while confronting him about the concert.

any audience will obviously feel some kind of way towards the scene. Whether it be emotional, disgusted angry or a roler coaster of emotions. 

Friday, June 12, 2020

Science - Neutralisation

A chemical reaction occurs when you mix together an acid and a base. The base cancels out the effects of the acid. The reaction is called a neutralization reaction because a neutral solution is made if you add just the right amount of acid and base together.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Music performance

1. What instrument did you choose to learn and why?
- I played the piano because it was really fun and challenging to play

2. What song did you choose to learn and why?
- The song we chose was called "Isn't she lovely" by Stevie wonder because it was the first soul music we found on youtube.

3. What was challenging about this piece and how did you overcome the challenges?
- The part where I and my team had to play together at the same time but we eventually overcame it by the time it was time to record

4. Were you happy with your final recording/performance? why?
- Yes, because we had fun

5. What would you change about your performance if you could do it again?
- The mistakes

6. Were you happy with your overall grade and why?

7. What have you enjoyed about Music this semester?
- Playing the piano with friends