
Friday, May 29, 2020

Film Techniques

                                                   Tilt Shot


                                                  Zoom Shot


                                                   Pan Shot


                                                   POV Shot


                                          Extreme Long Shot


Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Our Migration Pattern

I lived in Bataan, it's a city in the Philippines where I was born. We moved to New Zealand because my parents thought there would be more jobs there than in the Philippines.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Science Experiment - Oil of Wintegreen

What we attempted: Setup + Pic
- To get the oil to crystalize

What happened?
- The liquid inside is boiling and bubbling up 

What should it look like?
- it should look like a salt 

What could we change/try?
- We could try changing the amount

- Weigh 0.25 grams of salicylic acid into a 10-15-cm test tube. This weight does not need to be recorded.
- Add 2.0 mL of methanol to the test tube and swirl until the solid dissolves.
- Slowly add 10 drops of sulfuric acid.
- Place the test tube in a hot water bath and secure by using a utility clamp and heat for 15 minutes.
- Cool the test tube in running water
- Smell the contents by wafting (wave a hand over the top of the test tube to direct any fumes) and record any observations.

Place all waste and compounds in the appropriate labeled waste bottles in the laboratory

Wash all glassware with soap then rinse 3 times with tap water, and once with deionized water.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Return to PE

How are you feeling about being back?
- Excited and nervous

What are some things that you did for exercise/activity for the lockdown?
- pushups, jumping

Any work for PE completed? Why? Why not?
- Didn't do any work, I forgot