
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Kiwifruit DNA

Result: Everything turned out really well and all went exactly as planned

 Aim: To extract and separate the DNA from the kiwifruit

Methods: Get the liquid out of the kiwifruit using a pestle, if you think there is more liquid left in the kiwifruit you can use a clothe to squeeze it in a plastic zip bag. When you're done you will then need to put the liquid you've made in a test tube along with ethanol. There you will see white thingies getting separated from the kiwifruit liquid.

Image result for kiwifruit dna pics

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Character Creation

1. Name:
2. Age: 15
3. Height:
4. Eye color: Blue
5. Physical appearance: 
6. Strange or unique physical attributes:
7. Favourite clothing style/outfit:
8. Where do they live? What is it like there? 
9. Defining gestures/movements (i.e., curling their lip when they speak, always keeping their eyes on the ground, etc.):
10. Things about their appearance they would most like to change:
11. Speaking style (fast, talkative, monotone, etc): talkative, sometimes taciturn
12. Pet peeves:
13. Fondest memory:
14. Hobbies/interest:
15. Special skills/abilities: 
16. Insecurities:
17. Quirks/eccentricities:
18. Temperament (easygoing, easily angered, etc.:)
19. Negative traits:
20. Things that upset them:
21. Things that embarrass them:
22. This character is highly opinionated about:
23. Any phobias? Big, poisonous spiders
24. Things that make them happy: Friends
25. Family (describe):
26. Deepest, darkest secret:
27. Reason they kept this secret for so long:
28. Other people’s opinions of this character (What do people like about this character? That he’s cool, polite and respectful to other people
What do they dislike about this character?):
29. Favourite bands/songs/type of music:
30. Favourite movies: Beauty and the beast
31. Favourite TV shows:
32. Favourite books:
33. Favourite foods: Chicken, pizza and burgers
34. Favourite sports/sports teams:
35. Political views:
36. Religion/philosophy of life:
37. Physical health:
38. Dream vacation:
39. Description of their house:
40. Description of their bedroom: Clean
41. Any pets? Dog
42. Best thing that has ever happened to this character:
43. Worst thing that has ever happened to this character:
44. Superstitions:

45. Three words to describe this character:
46. If a song played every time this character walked into the room, what song would it be?

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Afghanistan - Child Soldiers

We have been learning about slavery for the past few weeks in Social Studies and then we got to choose one topic to do out of three (Child Labour, Child Soldiers and Child Trafficking) and then I picked Child Soldiers.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Respiration and combustion

Respiration is the chemical reaction in which energy is released from a reaction between Oxygen and Glucose. Respiration releases energy for cells from glucose. Combustion is essentially burning, fuels react with oxygen to releases energy.

The difference between them is that Respiration is the process where oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide is exhaled out and combustion means the burning of substances in the presence of oxygen.

Any substance which can burn leads to combustion while respiration uses glucose to give pyruvate and to carbon dioxide. Combustion produces oxides in the form of smoke in respiration, there is no smoke formation. The product of combustion is heat energy in respiration, it is the formation of ATP.

Monday, March 9, 2020


What did I like?
I really like the part when my friends and I had a race at the 60-meter run

What could have been better?
It would have been better if we had a chance to run at the 100-meter run

The results over the term were really good

Friday, March 6, 2020

Creative Writing - Language Features

In this blog, I will be showing you what I learned using the Piktochart.