
Friday, February 28, 2020

The Effects of smoking/vaping on your lungs

What would happen to you if you smoke:
Your lungs can be very badly affected by just smoking even if you do it once a day can affect your health because smoking cigarettes a day almost triples your risks of dying from lung cancers. Coughs, colds, wheezing and asthma are just the start. Smoking can cause fatal diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer. Smoking causes 84% of deaths from lung cancer and 83% of deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

What would happen to you if you vape:Low doses may cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and eye irritation. High doses of nicotine may cause tachycardia, high blood pressure, seizures, coma, and death. Moreover, the FDA reported detecting ethylene glycol in some of the e-cigarettes and cancer-causing substances called nitrosamines in others.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Blood vessels

There are 3 types of blood vessels and each of them has different but similar functions although their main function is to carry blood around. The first one is called the Arteries, it's job is to carry oxygenated blood away from the heart and toward other tissues and organs. It also delivers oxygen and nutrients to every cell in the body.

Image result for arterie drawing

Blood Vessels are the components of the circulatory system their function is to transport blood around the human body. The Vessels convey blood cells, nutrients, and oxygen to the tissues of the body. It is also their job to take away the waste and carbon dioxide from the tissues.

The second one is the Vein, They are responsible for returning deoxygenated blood back to the heart. The largest Vein in the human body is the vena cava, Veins have thinner walls 

The last one is called the capillary their job is to enable the exchange of substances between the blood and surrounding tissues

Friday, February 21, 2020

Harriet Tubman

In Social Studies, we have been learning about Harriet Tubman and how she has escaped from Slavery and led other slaved to freedom.

Harriet Tubman was an American (born in March 10, 1913) who escaped from slavery before the American Civil War began in the South. She came back to the South to lead the other slaves to freedom in the North along the route of the Underground Railroad.

Mystery Genre Performance

This term we're going to be performing genre music, at first we had to pick a group of 2-5 and each group had to pick a random genre to perform. After we pick a genre we will be choosing a song that's a soul type to practise and learn and then we will then perform the song to the whole class.

What is the genre you have?
- Soul

Find a definition of this genre.
- Soul music is a popular music genre that originated in the African American community in the United States in the 1950s and early 1960s. It combines elements of African-American gospel music, rhythm and blues and jazz. Wikipedia

Who is in your group? what is each person doing?
-Shawn, Brielle, Ace and Ian

which song are you going to work on?
Isn't She lovely sang by Stevie Wonder

What is going to be challenging about this piece?
I think the challenging part will be learning the song and performing it perfectly

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Slave Songs

In Social Studies, I've learned that some song singers back in the old days that are happy are actually are depressed because white people force them to sing for their own entertainment. 

Tomorrow, When The War Began - Examining the Cover

In English, we were given a task to do which is to answer questions about what we think the story (Tomorrow, When The War Began) will be about.

1. How do you think this story will be written?
2. Why do you think the story is entitled as it is?
3. Where do you think the story will take place?
4. What time period do you think the story is set in?

1. I think it's going to be an adventure story
2. I think they want us to know what happened before the war began and how it all started
3. I think it will happen on the other side which what is known as hell
4. I think it will be set in the sunrise

Monday, February 17, 2020

Creative Writing - Similes and Metaphors

In English, we were given tasks to do, there are 6 tasks in total and we need to complete at least one task every lesson.

Similes and Metaphors are both analogies but they are not exactly the same when used. Similes always use the words 'like' and 'as' merely to say when one thing is similar to another while Metaphors don't when used in a sentence.

I'm like a cat (Simile)
I am a cat (Metaphor)

Friday, February 14, 2020

Math Reflection

For the past few weeks, I've learned that speed is not important in Maths because it will just break your concentration by making you think that you won't finish your work on time. We also have been doing some fun activities to help us improve our thinking skills

A recent news item that interests me

There was one of all of the news that got me interested and it was the coronavirus. It is a family of viruses that are known for containing stains that cause deadly diseases in mammals and birds. they're typically spread via airborne droplets of fluid produced by infected individuals in humans. Some people have lost their lives because of these viruses and I think it is still spreading all over the world. Scientists have discovered that this pandemic came from bats. 

I am interested in the coronavirus because I heard it is deadly and has killed so many people in 2 months and it is still spreading in China. There are about 492 dead people in total and is still increasing and there are about 876 lucky people that have recovered from the coronavirus. There are currently 23,874 people that are still suffering and 12% of them are in a critical condition.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

My Kind of Music

My Favourite Singers/bands.
I don't exactly know which singer of my favorite singers that I actually really like the most because there are a lot of them.

What instrument do I play?
I don't really know which I really play because I have played the guitar before but I really like to play the piano.

What would I like to learn in Music this year?
I would like to learn how to play the piano and the guitar this year.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Tomorrow, When The War Began- Before we read

In English, the teacher told us to answer questions about what the story is going to be like.

1. What do you think this statement means? ‘Hell isn’t only a place for the damned, sometimes it’s a place where the saved take refuge… Seven teenagers take a trip to Hell. And seven come back. To Hell’
2. What could 'Hell' mean in this context?
3. Why do you think the story is entitled  'Tomorrow, When the War Began'?
4. What does that make you think the book will be about?
5. What do you think the Characters will be like?

1. I think it means they are going to place that's hell and come back to a place that's also hell
2. I think hell means a place where there are lots of destructions
3. I think it's because there might be something interesting that happened before the war began
4. I think there will be people dying and people surviving
5. I think they will be brave and strong

Monday, February 10, 2020

Character Strengths

In English, we did work about the growth mindset and all the character strengths that each of us possesses.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


What does it mean to be a good Mathematician?

Being a good Mathematician means having a good knowledge of Mathematics and being able to teach other people or share some knowledge about Maths. And also if you are a good Mathematician you could use your intelligence in the future.