
Friday, September 27, 2019

Science: Cells

Parts of a cell

Did you know? there are 6 parts of an organelle and they are called:
-Large Vacuole
-Cell Wall
-Cell Membrane

The main job of the organelle is to carry out essential functions that are necessary for the survival of cells

The main function of the large vacuole is to provide structural support, it also serves other functions such as protection, storage, growth and waste disposal.
The job of the Cell Wall is to give cell strength and structure and to filter molecules that go in and out of the cell.
The basic job of the membrane is to separate the inside of cells from the outside. In all cells, the cell membrane separates the cytoplasm inside the cell from its surroundings.
The Chloroplast absorbs sunlight and uses it in conjunction with water and carbon dioxide gas to make food for the plant.
The function of the Cytoplasm is to contain molecules such as enzymes which are responsible for breaking down waste. Cytoplasm's job is to give the cell its shape. It helps to fill out the cell and keeps organelles in their place.
The Job of the Nucleus is to keep the gene expression under control and mediate the replication of DNA during the cell cycle. 

Science: What I've learnt in the past few days

In Science, I've learnt so many things about the plants and animals and about the things that show if something is a living thing or not. And I also learnt the parts of a Microscope and what they do to make a Microscope. We also learnt about the cells of plants and animals and what is inside each cell has which are the organelles.
Cells are made up of different parts, called organelles (meaning 'small organs'). It is easier to see the major organelles using simplified diagrams. Cells inside the plants and animals are easier to see if you ue microscopes but the organelles are not visible of the light of the microscopes.
Image result for Microscope

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Social Studies: Money

History of Money

Commodity Money
Commodity money has been used throughout history. Commodity money is money that has intrinsic value.
Metallic Money
With the progress of human civilizations, commodity money has changed into Metallic Money. Metals like gold, silver, copper, etc were used as money.
Paper Money
It was found inconvenient to carry Metallic money from place to place. So, the invention of paper money was a very important stage in the development of money. 
Credit Money
Credit money is any future monetary claim against an individual that can be used to buy goods and services. People keep a part of their cash as deposits with banks, which they can withdraw their money through cheque. 
Plastic Money
Plastic money is the latest type of plastic money in the form of Credit cards and Debit cards. Plastic money is made out of plastic and it is new and it is easier to use to pay for goods and services.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Classroom Layout

Last week we moved into a different classroom because the old math room was getting bulldozed. In our new room we were thinking about changing the classroom layout and each group has designed their own layouts for the new Math room.

This layout can be useful when something like tests or work because it creates a focused environment because the students know they are expected to do the work and they wouldn't have a chance to skip work because the teacher can easily find out what every student are doing-especially when the teacher goes around the room.
Image result for classroom layout

This one is the layout that my group and I have made for the new Math room all the desks will be in the middle, the Whiteboard will be in the front, the computers are behind and all the doors will be in the same place as they were in the first place. I think this layout can be pretty useful because all the students will be able to see the Whiteboard clearly and they wouldn't have problems hearing the teacher.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

ESOL: Conservation Week

Conservation Week

Conservation week is a chance to get everyone involved in nature and help take care of it by doing something like getting rid of the trashes. It is an event in New Zealand to promote the conservation of native plants and animals.

Why do you think it is (or isn't) important:
I think it is really important to take care of nature because there are lots of living organisms that need it and it provides natural services for humans and all the other species that are important to us humans. Did you know? If people in the past didn't find it important to take care of nature, the animals that needs nature would have gone extinct and some people wouldn't have found it easily to survive because there are not many foods left to eat.

List 3 things young New Zealanders can do to help conserve our plants, animals and the environment:
  • Plant trees and clean the environment by taking the rubbishes off and throwing them in the right bins.
  • Young New Zealanders can help by cleaning up the river, this can be done by not littering.
  • Another thing young people can do to help is to stop throwing things to where the animals are.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

English: Creative Writing Matrix: Can you hear it?

In English, I've chosen another matrix work to work on and it's called 'Can you hear it?'.

Can you hear it?
The sound of the wind going around you
And the birds singing on a branch of a tree.
The waves in the ocean hitting the rocks
And the birds flapping their wings from above.
Can you hear the winds moving the grasses and the leaves
The trees moving softly in the breeze
And the waterfall

Social Studies

Money Tasks

-People can survive with money by exchanging it with food, new things.
-People don’t care about other people because the only thing they want is money.
-People buy illegal things
-People exchange it with drugs

Monday, September 16, 2019

Englush: Essay Brainstorming

all students should have to play a team sport for the school

I agree because all students should experience playing a team sport even if they don't know how to play because they will learn eventually.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Engish: Weather with you

In English, I've chosen another work to do to post on my blog. I've chosen 'weather with you', it is about a character that whatever he/she's feeling the weather will act the same.

Whenever he feels sad or unhappy
The sky goes grey and cloudy
And when he is enjoying his day with happiness
The weather reacts and takes away the sadness
And when he is feeling really annoyed at someone
The sky makes a lot of thunder noises and shoots plenty of rains like a gun

Monday, September 9, 2019

English: Unexpected Wealth

I was watching TV shows when my mom yelled out 'go clean out the garage!', I didn't want to do it but my mom was screaming at me so I had no choice but to do it. I was cleaning all sides of the garage and then I found an old shoebox in the back corner. It was a lot heavier than I thought so I started wondering what inside, I opened it and saw a lot of money inside. I counted it and it was 40,000$ cash to be exact, I wondered where it came from or who. I was also wondering why the owner of the money left it there in the garage.

English: Sentence starter writing: With great power comes great responsibility”

He felt a great responsibility to win the game of tennis. He needed all his power to hit the ball back to his opponents. In his mind, he was thinking, here comes my greatest challenge. With a huge swing, he returned the ball back to the enemy's side. 

English: Instructions

Students would learn better if they could eat in class

Because If we could eat during classes we would learn more because we have something in our stomach and we could focus on our work better because of that.

Friday, September 6, 2019

English: Self Directed Learning

Sugary Drinks should have higher taxes

Sugary Drinks should have higher taxes because if they only have low taxes people would just buy them everywhere, every time. And it is not healthy for the people because the drink has a lot of sugar and it might cause sickness to everyone.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

English: Horror camping trip

In English, we have been doing different works to do and post on our blogs. I chose 'Horror Camping Trip' because I kind of like to do it.

One day my friend and I decided to go camping by just the two of us. When we arrived at the place we decided to leave our cars behind because there was no parking lot there and we were a bit down-hearted because we're going to set up our camp 3 miles away from our cars. We had a lot of fun eating and playing around and talking to each other while the sun was still out, obviously, it was a bit sad because it was just two of us. When I was sitting down on a piece of wood, roasting a marshmallow on the fire my friend sat next to me and acted strangely. After a moment of silence he started saying something, he was revealing a deep dark secret. Someone has been following him for 3 days and he also told me that the stalker followed us here as well and he was just around the trees hiding and waiting for a perfect time to attack.

Here's my made-up story :)