
Monday, April 29, 2019

Adverbs to start sentences with:
Quickly, Curiously, Importantly, Firstly, Often, Remarkably, Similarly, Significantly, Surprisingly, Readily, Concerningly, Interestingly, Confusing, Consequently, Shockingly, Continuesly

e.g Firstly, we go to form class.
Surprisingly, everyone is here today
Importantly, nobody got hurt

Begin with a Preposition 
Preposition are words indicating Movement or position.
e.g In, Against, before, between, over, behind, within, under, below, at, for, throughout, near, about.

e.g Throughout this lesson, students have been working quietly.

Against all odds, the army was defeated by a single man.

before the school started, I was playing football with my friends

P - Point - state the point you want to make
e.g Martha is bullied at school.

E - Evidence - Support your point with 2-3 sentences
e.g An Example of this is the incident with the girls throwing water over the toilet stall onto Martha. When she came out of the stall they punched her in the stomach and called her a slut. This made Martha fell angry and upset

E - Explain - link my evidence to my point
- 2 sentences.
e.g Unsurprisingly, this is an example of physical bullying by students towards Martha. There was an imbalance of power between Martha and her bullies because there was one of her and three of them

L - Link - link back to your argument
- link to the next paragraph.
Another way Martha experiences suffering is at the hands of her parents and the church of the Righteous

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Distillation Experiment

Distillation Experiment

Aim: Separate the solute from solvent in Coke

Hypothesis: I think the solid will form sugar and the liquid will be mixed together

Equipment: Coke, conical flask, heatproof mat, a delivery rube and bung, Bunsen burner, tripod, gauze mat, retort stand, boss head and clamp, boiling tube

1. Set up the equipment as shown in the diagram.
2. Add approximately 50 mL of saltwater to your conical flask.
3. Light your Bunsen burner. Open the air hole and gently push the Bunsen burner under the tripod.
4. Heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporated. Turn off your Bunsen burner.

Results/Observations: When the coke started boiling the water in the coke started evaporating and the coke started draining and the test tube started being filled with water

Conclusion: No sugar was formed as we used no sugar coke. My hypothesis was not correct

Discussion: The heat and the other equipment used was the cause of why the observation happen. It filled the test tube with water. The coke boiled and the water in the coke started going up through the delivery cube then condenses back into a liquid

Evaluation: I think our experiment was successful because it went well just like what we expected it to happen. We could try more things instead of coke