
Monday, March 27, 2017

Graduate Profile For The End Of Year 8

Graduate Profile for the End of Year 8

People Smart
  • I listen to understand people’s idea and opinions
  • I can work successfully with others
  • I understand how my feelings and actions can affect others
  • I act responsibly even when no one is watching
  • I can give useful feedback to others
  • I take responsibility for my own actions
  • I am an outstander – I choose to help others who are having a difficult time

Active Learner
  • I am a curious learner – I ask questions
  • I use feedback to improve my learning
  • I have a growth mindset
  • I know what my next steps are
  • I share my ideas and point of view with different people

Learning Smart
  • I am organised and have everything that is needed for my learning
  • I complete my work in the time I’m given
  • I am punctual by being in the right place at the right time
  • I manage my emotions when I am frustrated or challenged
  • I ask for help when I don’t understand what to do

Thinking Smart
  • I can reflect on my learning
  • I understand others’ opinions and ideas
  • I can think critically
  • I can think creatively

Cyber Smart
  • I use the internet and devices in a safe way
  • I can be trusted to use my device for the task I am meant to be doing
  • I can use digital tools creatively
  • I can use digital tools for different purposes


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Lou LouShe loves to bake sweet thingstam
Dan the manHis teeth like beaversteeth
Peg the legCola bottles litter her officetam
Jake the jockHis neighbour report that he is the neighbourhood Height '6"6
Dan is the primary suspect because his teeth look like beavers 

Tuesday, March 14, 2017


The feet can measure the height.

The bones of the feet can tell a lot about person. What do feet reveal about a person's height? Forensic anthropologists team up with law enforcers to help solve crimes. Bones of the feet can reveal an interesting fact about an individual. Lets combine math with forensic to see how

NameHeightFoot size
1.Brielle20 cm139
2.Daniel24 cm167
3.Greg22 cm146
4.Reige24 cm160

1.Aim:Based on someones feet size we can measure their height.
2.Hypothesis:Know a rough estimate of our height.
3.Method:Measure the length of the adult's left foot from the wall to the tip of the big toe.
4.Equipment: 1 metre ruler, 30 cm ruler, calculator
5.Results: I found that my feet were 20 cm and my height was 139 cm.
6.Summary: The police investigators and forensic scientists use 15% of a person foot length is equal to their height.
7.Conclusion: By knowing what a persons foot size is we can determine their approximate height