
Friday, October 25, 2019

The Merchant of Venice: Act one

Meanings of the following words:
Venture - undertake a risky or daring journey or course of action.
Vessel - A ship or large boat
Signior - an Italian man usually of rank or gentility —used as a title equivalent to Mr.
Mortifying - causing great embarrassment or shame
Profound - very great or intense
Exhortation - an address or communication emphatically urging someone to do something.
Virtuous - having or showing high moral standards
Squandered - waste in a reckless and foolish manner

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Social Studies

Sustainability is the ability to maintain something at a certain rate.

I believe it is very important to sustain the environment because it provides human needs to us.

Monday, October 21, 2019

English: Burgundy 3

The Tennis Ball

1. The word confounded in Paragraph 2 could be replaced by the word:
-c. spooked ✗- a. confused

2. Which word describes Mrs. McFrezle's walk, swaying from side to side? 
-b. waddled 

3. Which sentence best describes what had happened to Misty? 
-c. Misty had died a year ago and was buried in Mrs. McFrezle's garden 

4. What was written on the calendar? 
-a. The anniversary of the date Misty had died 

5. The main idea of Paragraph 5 is to explain why Mrs. McFrezle: 
-c. had a thumping heart 

6. Before Mrs. McFrezle went to the lemon tree, she: 
-a. looked at the calendar. 

7. Because Misty is described as a powder puff, we can conclude the dog was: 
-a. soft and fluffy 

8. What genre is The tennis ball? 
-b. supernatural 

9. In Paragraph 5, Mrs. McFrezle's heard started pounding because she was:
-c. scared 

10. When Mrs. McFrezle goes to get her paper the next day, she will probably: 
-a. expect the ball to not be there 

11. Mrs. McFrezle put some roses where Misty was buried to:
-a. show her love 

12. The pronoun it in Paragraph 4, refers to the:
-a. tennis ball 

English: Goal

My goal this week is to leave learners by finishing all the work that the teacher will be giving us this week.