
Friday, August 30, 2019

English: Free Writing

There was a family (Dad, Mum, little sister and the big brother) living in the middle of a forest and there was an old, broken house nearby. The house was big and every night the family hears noises coming from the old house. One day the children decided to go to the old house at night time. As the brother lead the way to the old house while the little sister stayed at the back, they saw an old lady in the woods not doing anything just breathing loud. The children thought she was sitting but as they got closer and closer to the old lady they realized that she had no legs and only had half of her body. The children felt so anxious that they couldn't even move a muscle. Then after a while, the children finally decided to make a run for it. When they stopped running, they realized that they were at the front door of the old house. The little sister told her big brother to just get back to the house where they moved in but the big brother said 'we can't go back now we just got here'. The big brother opened the door and by the time they got inside, the door closed immediately, the children were so scared that they ran up upstairs. They run and run until they found a room where there was a closet that they could hide in, after a moment of silence they heard a noise coming from downstairs. And it was going to the room where they are in when it finally got inside, the children saw it and it was a shadow and it was carrying a child covered in blood. After a few seconds that felt like an hour, the shadow finally went out of the room. The children got out of the closet quietly and then run as fast as they could, they heard something chasing them behind with terrifying speed but they never looked back, not at least they burst out of the front door and when they did turn around, they saw absolutely nothing. On their way back to their house they saw the old lady again but this time she was laying down. The children ignored her and continued running until they reached their house. They told their parents everything they have experienced that day but nobody believed them. When they got a lot older they went back to the hunted house but this time they brought a lot of friends with them. When they reached the place, the house was no longer there like it just vanished without anyone knowing.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Maori Trade

In social studies, we have been working on something. There are 3 options about what you can do to show what the Maori trade was like before and after the Europeans arrived in New Zealand, I picked the mind map, 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Stars - Opoly

Our class spent a lesson in the auditorium taking part in stars-opoly. We were in groups that went around and asked people from our community what jobs they do. Their jobs were things like waterways heroes and lives saviour.
  • What skills did you use on the day?
- Listening skills
- Manners

  • Did you push yourself out of the year's comfort zone? How?
- Yes, I don't usually talk to strangers with lots of confidence

  • What did you learn?
- that people ruins the waterways

  • What was your favourite part?
- Asking, writing, talking and getting candies from them

  • Is there anything you would like to be different next time?
- More gifts

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

English: King Of Excuses

In English, There are many types of works we could work on individually and I chose the 'King Of Excuses' in that slide there are more options and I chose 'Why you shouldn't have to do sport'.

My foot sore
because this morning, I hit it on the door
I can't run very fast today
Because I had an accident the other day
My mother says I must always get a drink first
or else I will die of thirst
And today, the sun is hot and bright
And I think I will die of the heat of the sunlight
I have to go home or I will be late
I have an appointment at eight

Art: photoshop

In Art, we have been learning how to photoshop images using 'PhotoShop'
Here's my image

Monday, August 26, 2019

Math: Pythagoras Theorum

What is P.T.
Pythagoras theorem is a way of solving the longest side of a triangle which is the hypotenuse and the opposite side of the 90 degrees. It is used to calculate the longest side which is the hypotenuse of a triangle. The formula is usually a^2+b^2 = c^2, to calculate the longest side of a triangle you need to multiply the A by itself and as well as the b. Then you need to add them up and then you need to square root the number then you will get the answer.

Square roots are used to figure out what the numbers that are multiplied by itself to get the number that is square root.
The square root of 49 is 7

1.) Label & Draw Diagram: 
a=6  b=8  c= the opposite side of the 90 degrees
Image result for pythagoras theorem examples drawing

2.) What you're given
(a=6)+(b=8)=c= hypotenuse

3.) Proof
to calculate the hypotenuse we can use
a^2 + b^2 = c
6^2 + 8^2 = c
36 + 64 = 100
then you will need to use square root to finish calculating the hypotenuse (c)
√100 = 10
The answer is: 10 (c)

4.) The formula to calculate the opposite side of 90 degrees
6^2 (a) + 8^2 (b) = hypotenuse (c) then use the proof to calculate the hypotenuse
the A and B must always have the power of 2

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

English: The 6 sentence story

Image result for monkey cartoon

Once upon a time, there was a monkey who likes hanging from the tree branches. He lived in a very tall tree which was in the middle of a forest. The monkey likes hanging from the tree branches to another, he was also fast at doing it. But one day, while he was hanging from trees to trees his hand, slipped off a branch from a really tall tree and fell. He felt very scared and nervous because he was falling very fast that he thought he was going to die. But then a miracle happened there were fat and strong branch and it was close to him, he grabbed it and luckily it didn't break because he was falling fast.

Monday, August 19, 2019

English: Self Directed Learner

When I am stuck in a learning pit I will make sure that I don't last forever in the learning pit and I will focus on the task and not get distracted by anyone.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

English: Figurative Language

 Mix & Match Poetry  Terms & Definitions
Figurative Language
Comparing two unlike things using the words like or as
Literal Language
An exaggeration of the facts.
Saying one thing and meaning something else.
Writing with detail to arouse one or more of the 5 senses.
A phrase common to people who speak the same language- saying one thing but meaning another. 
Meaning exactly what you say.
Comparing two unlike things not using the words like or as.
Repetition of consonant sounds in a piece of writing. 
Giving human qualities to non-human things.

Figurative Language - A phrase common to people who speak the same language- saying one thing but meaning another.

Literal Language - Meaning exactly what you say.

Simile - Comparing two unlike things not using the words like or as.

Metaphor - Comparing two unlike things using the words like or as

Personification - Giving human qualities to non-human things.

Imagery - Writing with detail to arouse one or more of the 5 senses.

Idiom - Saying one thing and meaning something else

Hyperbole - An exaggeration of the facts.

Alliteration - Repetition of consonant sounds in a piece of writing.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Social Study - Maori art design/ta moko

What I have learnt about Maori art/ta moko
I learnt what Maori people used to make the tattoos on people's face. they used some sharp implement and they used it to make a permanent mark on the skin by inserting pigments through cuts.

My design:

What my design means:
These tattooist are highly respected, and considered tapu which means inviolable and holy.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Math games

Over the last few weeks, we have been making a game that includes maths. Our game is just a simple game because there will be questions and answers and all you need to do to play the game is simply choose the right answer. If you get the right answer, you will go to a slide where there will be the big 'CORRECT' word and under it you will see the 'next question' word you can click it to go to the next question. The same thing happens when you get the wrong answer but if you click the 'try again' button, you will go back to the question where you failed. Just so you know, you can click the other keys with lines underneath the word if you want.

Here is our Math game:

Here is our word cloud:

Here's a video about the game:

Charlotte's Web - Loneliness


To me 'loneliness' is when you feel sadness because you have nobody to talk to and when people don't want to be friends with you. It also means when nobody wants to help you with your problems.

In the book, Wilbur had a friend named Fern, they became friends after Fern saved him from getting killed. he was sold to another farmer because he was old enough. He felt very lonely because he thought there was nobody he could be friends with and the friend that he had first wasn’t there with him. The loneliness was shown in the first day of Wilbur in another farm without his friend, he was just sitting down feeling sad because he was lonely.

Wilbur experienced loneliness when Fern, which was his first friend, left him all alone in another farm. He was very lonely because he thought there were nobody for him to be friends with.

I understand how Wilbur felt when he moved to a new place because it also happened to me when we moved from Philippines to New Zealand. I felt sad because all of my cousins are in the Philippines and me and my older brother are in the New Zealand. When we first arrived here I didn't know anybody because I haven't met anyone yet.