
Monday, November 27, 2017

Narrative Writing Draft

(12:00pm) there was no cloud in the sky and the skies were blue, it was a very hot day and it could hurt your skin. Jeff is a 56 years old male and he likes exercising at the gym 4 times a week and he has a wife, called Julia and he has 2 sons called Josh and Jack.

Jeff was preparing the things for the picnic at the beach and his wife, Julia was cooking the fish and rice for the picnic. Her sons were playing outside with their toys, after that… they finished the preparation for the picnic and they went to their car and drove to the beach.

Jeff and his family were enjoying their hot day at the beach. Josh and Jack were playing on the water and Jeff and his wife were standing on the rock area and watching the big waves on the water. Suddenly A huge wave appeared and hit Julia and Jeff and Julia noticed that she dropped her bag in the water, Julia was very worried because she has important things on the bag, like cellphone. Jeff was trying to reach the bag but it was too far away to reach, Jeff tried to get it with a stick but the water was making it more far away.

Jeff sprinted to the watchman because he was going to tell the watchman at the beach what happened, after 1 minute Jeff told the watchman at the beach what happened. Jeff and the watchman went to see the bag and the watchman said, it is really far to reach and then Jeff said, what are we going to do now? The watchman at the beach swam into the water and saved the bag. Julia's cellphone was broken, Julia was very sad because she has important things in her cellphone.

After they enjoyed swimming on the beach, they went to the shop and bought Julia anew cellphone.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Festival of arts #2

I have been learning how to play guitar by switching from A to G and also I learnt how to quickly change my fingers on the strings. And I have been successful at pushing the strings hard but it hurts bits when you're pushing the strings very hard. 
I still need to master the E7

Monday, November 13, 2017

Festival Of The Arts #1

What are we doing:Feelings

What am I learning to do?

What have I found challenging

What have I been successful at?

What do I still need to master/next steps.

I have learnt to play guitar and It was very hard to push the strings when I was playing the guitar.
And I have been successful at switching from A to D or D to A quickly but I still need to learn to switch the A to G or something.


Image result for guitar chords AImage result for guitar chords DImage result for guitar chords G